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Best Work Out For The Abdomen

People enthusiastic about their bodies health normally wish t develop their abs more than any other muscle. Many of them do not understand that ones abs is not one single muscle. The abs is actually a group of muscles. As a result, the way to get the best work out for abdominal muscles is by using different exercise. One can find many exercises which will potential help develop ones abs.

The crunch is by far the most popular and well-know abdominal exercise. This exercise is performed by lying on ones back and gently lifting the upper torso off the floor towards the lower half of ones body. This exercise can also be modified by utilizing an exercise ball. One would place the ball between ones legs

An effective deviation of the crunch exercise is to cross one leg across ones mid-section while the knees are bent laying one foot on the opposite knee. After a few repetitions, one would then switch legs and perform the crunches again. Switching between legs while crunching presents different resistant to the abdomen muscles providing a great work out.

A way to provide variety to the crunch is to perform the reverse crunch. The reverse crunch is done by lying on ones back and, instead of lifting the torso, one would lift the lower half of ones body. This exercise should be done slowly with controlled motion. The form should be proper in order for this exercise to be effective.

Another exercise which is excellent for abs is the hanging knee lift. This exercise is done by hanging from a pull-up bar and bending at the pelvis to lift your knees towards your upper torso. People sometimes execute this exercise incorrectly because they allow there upper body to sway and bend at the hip. By swaying and bending at the hip, one works out the hip flexor, not the abdomen. The way to execute this exercise correctly is to keep ones upper body as still as possible and lift at the pelvis moving the legs and knees as one unit.

One more excellent work out for abs is the bicycle. This exercise is performed by lying on ones back and motioning the legs above the floor to simulate riding a bicycle with fingers interlocked behind the head. To maximize this exercise, one should twist the upper torso to make each elbow meet the opposite knee as the legs extend and retract. It is important to keep the abs contracted through the extent of this exercise.

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