Do you think that these are the best solutions?

Top 7 Fitness and Muscle Tips!

1. Avoid Over-training 
Each time a muscle is used in an intense activity, it actually breaks down muscle fibers. Hence, they need some time to recover & be ready for training again. Most good muscle growing routines target a group of muscles only once or twice in a week. This ensures adequate time for muscle growth.

2. Avoid Prolonged Workouts 
When looking to grow muscles, think quality over quantity. With longer workouts, your cortisol levels begin to rise. This can cause damage to the muscles rather than muscle growth. Your workout duration should ideally be between 45 minutes to an hour; with adequate periods of rest in between.

3. Grow Muscles While You Sleep 
Sleeping for 8 to 10 hours a day is essential for ensuring muscle growth. The rest period gives the body a chance to grow new muscle fibers.

4. Restrict Alcohol Usage 
Alcohol interferes with the body's ability to generate muscle mass. It can also reduce the general fitness levels.

5. Inject Variety in Your Fitness Routine 
Make sure to change your exercise routines every 6 to 8 weeks. This ensures that muscles don't adapt to the same exercises; which will in turn restrict muscle growth.

6. Constantly Challenge Your Muscles 
Muscles grow in response to the stimulus of working against a load; or resistance. Hence, it is of the utmost importance to try & increase the load with every exercise session. This ensures that the muscle is challenged all the time.

7. Get Plenty of Proteins for Muscle Growth 
Proteins are called the building blocks of the human body. Thus, make sure that you include an adequate supply of proteins in your diet. You may want to consider using protein shakes or supplements; if your diet is low in proteins. A quantity of 1 gram protein equivalent for every pound of body weight is usually recommended for effective muscle growth.

Follow these principles & stay focused. Although there are many more factors which also play a part, the above fitness tips should help you get started on your way towards having the body your working for.

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