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Tips On How To Get Thick African American Hair

By Shawn Hunter

It can be very difficult, time-consuming and also frustrating to deal with black hair on a day-to-day basis sometimes. Many women need tips on how to get thick African American hair more easily. The following advice will help the process along and does not require a major amount of time or money to carry out. All that is needed is the commitment to the routine that will help provide the results.

You should try massaging castor oil into your scalp on a daily basis. Many women swear by its ability to help with growth and quality of locks. You could also add it to your regular conditioner, and over time you will see how well it is nourishing your scalp and strands. Massaging the the scalp is highly recommended in any case because it promotes good blood circulation.

Another good product for your head is a protein conditioner, which works specifically to improve strand quality when used one to two times per week. Not only does it thicken the shaft, it also helps prevent breakage as a result. On top of a good regular conditioner, it's important to deep condition ever so often for overall strengthening. Preventing protein loss can be done by using coconut oil as well.

As difficult as it may be for some women to go for the chop, in the long run cutting off any thin or split ends will help locks look fabulous overall. Regular trimming of the ends will help for an overall bouncier, fuller look. Along with regular trimming, other ways should be found to style hair instead of using heated appliances that can cause breaking and further damage.

In order to maintain good hair health, relax only new growth instead of reapplying relaxer to already relaxed length. That is if relaxer is a must. Additionally, it's a good idea to try and stretch the use of relaxer. That means instead of relaxing every 8 weeks, stretching the length of time to 10 or 12 weeks will help overall.

Instead of using electrical appliances with heat to style, experimenting with braids ad other protective styles, roller setting and wrapping can go a long way in the improvement of the overall appearance of African American locks. Furthermore, taking extra care when it come to dyeing will help. Over-the-counter products contain harsh chemicals that will cause damage and loss overall. Henna is a much better option that actually works as a conditioner to thicken as well.

Women can easily take supplements and vitamins as part of their daily routine to see visible results. Some supplements have long been touted for their amazing ability to promote growth and thickness. Examples include MSM, biotin, vitamin D and iron. All of these come in various forms for ease of consumption and are not at all costly.

Finally, you need to eat properly in order to maintain good head health and growth. Certain foods will really make a difference in the way your locks look. For example, consuming fatty foods will help to add all the shine you need, so don't leave them out.

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