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Learning Horse Riding Skills For Beginners

By Nancy Gardner

Horses have been used for hundreds of years. They have become companions to humans. Their uses include work, recreation and competition.

If you would like to learn to deal with these animals, its easy. Horse riding Okotoks can be learned through many equestrian schools. These can be expensive but there are different rates for beginners.

For beginners and established riders, safety has to be a major priority. A number of things can go wrong. You can get thrown off or get crushed. Legs should be fully covered. No short pants should be used because if your skin is in constant contact with the saddle, it will create friction. Sturdy boots should be worn because you do not want any bare feet to come in contact with a hoof. That can cause serious injury. Most importantly, a helmet specifically designed for horseback activities must be purchased and worn at all times.

When you are on the saddle, do not be tense. Try to sit comfortably in the middle. You can easily fall off if you are not in the correct position. Be mindful of your posture. The way we sit affects not only your comfort but the animals. Dont sit too far back or too close forward. Find a nice middle ground and move with the animal.

For new riders, being relaxed may be difficult. Holding their breath and being scared will not bode well. These animals can sense it and if you are not comfortable, they will in turn be uneasy and it wont go well. Stay calm and breathe evenly. Tense muscles will only cause discomfort and pain.

When you first meet the beast, dont go running up and scaring it. That can be very frightening. Approach in a calm demeanor. Give him time to get to know you and your smell. Gain their trust so that you can have a good relationship.

The grip on the reins needs to perfected. Holding too tightly can hurt and frustrate the beast. Holding too loosely and the rider has less control. During the ride you have to adjust and readjust. Finding the right balance is the key to comfort.

Choose from the reputable schools within your city or as close to you as possible. Start off with the basic lessons and progress to the more advanced stuff. The facilities should be clean and comfortable and also good for the animals. Find a teacher that can work well with you and give you the right amount of guidance to learn new skills.

Learning equestrian skills takes time. You cant expect to be good at something when you are still a beginner. Start off slowly and as you gain confidence, you will be more ready to learn harder skills. Learn how to approach and handle the stallion while on the ground then work your way up to sitting then finally you can walk and eventually learn to canter and gallop.

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