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Stevie'S November Challenge

This November Challenge is for my personal benefit but anyone is welcome to join me.

*It lasts all of the month of November.

*Weigh in days will be every Saturday & recorded.

*Purpose of this challenge is to get 3 points everyday to add up to a total of 90 points by the end of the month.

Each day
-Eating Healthy = 1 point
-Exercising (@ least 30mins) = 1 point
-Doing something that makes you happy & sain (ex: a 5 minute pep talk, drink 8 glasses of water, 5 minutes of stretching, a hot bubble bath, reading, 10 minutes, quiet alone time, ect.) = 1 point

*My reward if I get 80% of my points (72points) will be to buy a new 2011 planner. I'm a crazy calendar agenda planner freak (like you haven't noticed haha). Make a personal reward for yourself other then weightloss. Weightloss should just be a bonus bc ultimatly we all should be working towards making these healthy habits STICK!

It's simple enough to keep you going through the winter months & moving to where you don't put on the winter weight. Let's keep pushing through this winter! Let's keep moving forward! I know I sure as heck don't want my new year's resolution to be to lose weight but instead to be in a fabulous dress making new years resolutions to see new places & making exciting plans instead in a fabulous fit body! Let's start with November bc we all know how time flies!! Feel free to join.

Gastric Bypass Weight Loss Surgery

Gastric Bypass Weight Loss Surgery


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