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Preschool Dance Classes And The Challenge It Involves

By Charles Allen

Children are naturally imaginative. They can be tough to manage and hold down, especially toddlers. Teaching them can require the most energy, effort and of course, lots and lots of patience. It is a tougher work to lead them, than what you generally expect.

Some teachers are thought to have some type of magic touch because they seem to do it well than the rest. Especially when talking about preschool dance classes Calgary. Sometimes, it is just a matter of problem solving. A few strategies may do you some good.

Do not expect that you can teach them to dance the exact same way that you do. Manage your expectations of their movements. Keep it low and allow them to be free willing, so that you can watch them do it their way first, and then go from there. Teach them the moves, but do not focus too much on the idea that they have to dance like someone else entirely.

Try not be too idealistic and let them learn the movements, exploring the capability of their bodies first. Preschoolers cannot go with technicalities yet. Save it for later. For now, mix their playfulness with the dance steps and start from there.

Try adding layers to movements. When they are trying to learn the basics from you, repetition is key. Make it interesting enough to keep their attention. Use imagery to its advantage, by playing pretend so they can better understand it. This will make the instructions easier for them to follow. They will think that you are taking them seriously, and they will feel more important.

Be good at distracting and redirecting. Children easily get bored and get tired of waiting. You can never hold them down quite long enough, most of the time. With this, they tend to complain and ask to be somewhere else and do something else. Try to be clear and firm then, in a nice tone, redirect them by saying something that will catch their ears.

Get yourself a lesson plan, by all means but always prepare plan B or anything spontaneous. You might just need to change tactics one moment so better have some tricks up your sleeve. Children are a challenge. Everything can change easily, from their attention span to who else needs a snack. That is just the way it is and the best way to deal with it, is well, deal with it.

Say what you expect to see, even though they do not really do it yet. This is where imagination comes in. When you think you need to get them to raise their hands but they are not doing it, say as though they are raising their hands. You will be surprised how easily they will follow. Thank them for something they did not do yet, and you will see that they will be doing it.

Anticipate problems in teaching a class, especially a dancing class. No day will be perfect. You can go through it by never losing faith in the kids and keeping your cool. Be flexible and listen to them too. This will make them appreciate you more and follow your lead as they dance.

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