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Important Facts About Plastic Surgery

By Jamal D White

Lately, plastic surgery has become a household name, thanks to the many issues arising on topics related to plastic surgery procedures. Presently, cosmetic surgery and non-surgical procedures have become so much in demand across the globe. Before you give plastic surgery a second thought, it is good that you make sure you get the right information regarding plastic surgery.

A section of medical surgeons especially those in the plastic surgery field have come up with facts to be looked at in regard to plastic surgery. Much of these facts highlight the origin of the practice, erasing doubts such as plastic surgery is a modern trend only. Some of this information has been verified to be true. This has shade some light into this more mistaken practice, which many people seem to fear, and others embrace it without minding the side effects.

The origin of the word plastic surgery can put one who has been misunderstanding it, distant from the belief that plastic surgery is nothing but dealing with plastics on the human body. The word plastic in plastic surgery comes from a Greek word plastikos simply meaning to mould or to shape. The word surgery transcends from another Greek word Khirourgos, which means handwork. This helps you understand that the term does not necessarily have to imply the use of plastics.

Plastic surgery is the oldest method of all surgeries to have ever been performed since time in memorial. The first type of plastic surgery, dating back to 1000 BC In the Peruvian Times. Indians on the other hand practiced reconstructive surgery on victims who lost part of their body organs, such as the nose, ears or even those whose skin was damaged.

In the World War period, doctors who took part in treating the victims of war formed an association, The American Association of Plastic Surgery whereby they pushed against the unregulated plastic surgery procedures. Major strides in the advancement on plastic surgery began after World War One that came up from many injuries from the victims of war. Currently, there are many major advancements in the field of plastic surgery.

Nose reshaping and breast augmentation are the most common types of plastic surgery performed world over. Ninety percent of all the plastic surgeries performed in the world involve women, while men account for only ten percent. This is because plastic surgery has evolved more from a medical procedure to a physical one of aesthetics.

President Bill Clinton put a bill in the United States stating that plastic surgery be covered under an insurance policy, forward. This was a great relieve to both the plastic surgeons and their patients. The bill also covered breast augmentation for achieving symmetry between two breasts.

It is good to note that there is a distinction in the certification of a cosmetic surgery and that of a plastic surgery. Plastic surgeons have to undergo a post-graduate training before certifications while a cosmetic surgeon under-goes residency training to be certified. It proves a point in distinguishing between the two practices.

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