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Learning From West Chester Swimming Lessons

By Jocelyn Davidson

Swimming is actually very crucial in the life of any person because it is not only a great exercise but is can also be a life saver. If one has never taken west chester swimming lessons before, then here is an idea of how they would actually be. In a nutshell, complete lessons are split into three levels which would be the beginner, the advanced, and the competitive.

When one starts out in the first level, the first thing that he would learn is floating. In order to float, he will have to learn the fundamentals of breathing so that he can fill his lungs up with air. By knowing the proper way of breathing on water, he will definitely be able to float.

Once he learns the basics of floating, he will then learn how to kick while he is inside of the water. By kicking the water with feet kicking alternately, one can actually push his entire body while in the pool. Of course he will also then learn how to use hand movements along with this in order to do the move known as the freestyle.

Once he has already mastered the basics, then he can learn some other new moves like the dog crawl and the frog kick. Now while doing these moves, one must put his head above the water. This will allow him to continue breathing even though he is moving his body.

Once he has learned all of those moves, he can now go on to the advanced levels. The easiest move to learn in the advanced level is the backstroke which is quite like the freestyle but one will now be lying on his back instead of his front. This move is a very relaxing one since he is lying on his back. This means that when he gets tired, he can do this stroke and relax for a bit.

Of course after he has already learned that, then he would then be learning the breast stroke. Now this breast stroke is rather an easy stroke wherein he would be using some hand movements while a little bit of upper body movements that will allow him to bring his head up. While he does this, he should be doing frog kicks.

Now the last and probably the hardest move that one will learn is the butterfly stroke. This move is quite hard to do because it does require a lot of upper body strength as well as a lot of abdominal strength to perform. Basically, one will be kicking the pool with two legs at the same time and then will be propelling himself forward.

After he has learned all the moves of the beginner level and the advanced level, then he will go on to the competitive level. It is here where he will be refining and perfecting all the moves that he had learned before and he will be trying to increase his stamina by doing laps in the pool. The coaches will also be teaching him some more techniques that will help him be able to improve his form.

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