Do you think that these are the best solutions?

The Many Benefits Of Horseware

By Katrina Wheeler

Presentation is paramount when competing in equestrian events. How well he leads and takes direction can sway your scores. Without a doubt, the horseware you have chosen for him will be scrutinized. This article will give you some insight into the options you have when considering the needs of your animal.

With cold weather approaching, blankets should be a consideration. Perhaps you want a turn out blanket to keep your equestrian friend warm during the chilly weather. If it is raining outside, you will want them to have the added protection of a water proof blanket. During summer months, you might want to consider a blanket designed to cool your animal after a hard work out.

Excessive running and jumping can cause serious leg damage. Consider all of your options carefully when choosing leg wear and leg wraps. There are shipping boots, polo wraps, stall wraps, cooling wraps, fleece wraps and standing wraps. It seems like there is a wrap for every purpose and occasion. Determine what types of wraps will best serve your needs. Base this decision on the type and amount of exercise your animal will perform.

Hoods, bonnets and fly bonnets are used to protect the animal for various reasons. Hoods protect them from getting nicks, cuts and scratches. Bonnets are used to cover their ears. Some people will even put cotton inside their horse's ears before using the bonnet to decrease sound so a horse won't spook as easily. Fly bonnets are used as protection against flies. You will see a large number of horses wearing these during the summer season.

Tail bags, tubes and mane socks are used in order to help horse's tails and manes grow. After brushing and combing through their manes and tails, many people will braid the hair and then insert each braided section into a bag and tie it off. It prevents the hair from getting dirty and tangled while allowing it the opportunity to grow.

Horse boots prevent horses from bowing tendons or breaking bones while they are working. Bell boots prevent the back hooves from over reaching and hitting the back of the front hooves. Usually, bell boots are worn on the front hooves. Splint boots protect the inside ankle and the cannon from the front leg. There are also sport boots and jumping boots. Determine what your horse needs and choose the best boot for the situation.

Catching and leading a horse without a halter can be quite challenging. Once a halter is in place your equestrian buddy is much easier to control. Using a bridle allows the rider to direct the horse. When you are competing in events, you want to be able to stand out and have people take notice. Choose bright color schemes. Try to find matching pieces that flow nicely.

Investigate your options. Speak with your local vendor regarding your event. Let him know your concerns. Speak with him regarding your choice of materials and color schemes. Have a great time selecting the perfect horseware for you event.

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