Do you think that these are the best solutions?

Strategies Of Fitness Success

By Vito La Fata

Are you trying to get in shape and lose some extra pounds? If so, then you may be ready for some helpful fitness success strategies to help keep you on the path to success. The good news is that there are several things you can change in your life to help you both in your fitness quest and in the other areas of your life.

Resisting distraction is one of the best things you can do to help you to reach your goals. We are all pulled away from focusing on things by our phones, emails, voice messages, text messages and even Facebook. This causes us to attempt to multitask, but honesty, it does not work. Multitasking simply does not exist as the wonderful thing that so many people think it is.

An interesting point on multi-tasking: there was a study done on how well we are able to multitask and how it affects our brains. What the study found is that while people are multi-tasking, they suffer a ten point drop in their IQ score! Is it any wonder that most of us are having a hard time getting the things done that we need to?

Now here is where this gets interesting; they also measured the IQ drop of a person who gets high. And sad to report, a person who smokes dope, their IQ only drops 5pts! So the sad reality is that we are a nation walking around dumber than if we were stoned!

Multitasking doesn't work; it's much better to focus. We lose 28% of our productive energy when we try to do too much at once. How does this apply to your fitness? When you're at a session, be there. Don't be somewhere else, hanging onto your phone, as though the world won't be ok without you for 30-60 minutes. When you are at home, be present with your family, your nutrition, etc.--give it attention and focus versus mindlessly eating, or being distracted by TV.

World Class people are minimalists. Successful people chop away at the noise that's distracting them. They can shrug off interruptions that most people don't even realize are stealing from them. They don't need all the TV shows, news channels, magazines, idle chatter and entertainment assailing us at all times. They take 10 minutes out of every 50 minutes of work to freshen up the mind, clear it of clutter and go back in to work with renewed focus.

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