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Weight Loss Bypass Surgery

 Weight Loss Bypass Surgery

Gastric plication is one of the newest and most effective weight loss procedures. This gastric plication surgery compares favorably to old existing more-invasive gastric weight loss  procedures , offering obese people with lower risk and fast recovery while  giving  similar or more effective weight loss results.

Like other  different types  of gastric procedures , the procedure give weight loss by decreasing stomach capacity to cause initial satiety and can restricted calorie intake. Unlike  some other gastric procedures, new weight loss gastric plication  surgery does not involve any kind of stapling, cutting or removing part of stomach tissue or need of  any band implant.

According to preliminary consequences, new weight loss gastric plication surgery for morbid obesity appears to be a safe and very effective weight loss procedure. But at this time , the only one  apparently disadvantage  is to be the lack of long-term  consequence data. That downside is the focus of  different continuing clinical act of testing . Obese patients  who is considering  , may want to see if they are suitable for one of the research studies examining this new weight loss gastric plication surgery  .

New weight loss Gastric Plication Surgery (GPS) , its  a  gastric sleeve that  is same as Sleeve Gastrectomy but  there is  no involvement of  stomach resection (permanent removal of stomach tissue portion  with a stapling ) to decrease the size of  stomach . Rather, the stomach size is  decreased  by folding the stomach in on itself and then stitch it together.

Advantages of New weight loss Gastric Plication Surgery:

  • There is no Involvement of  stapling, cutting, or removal of any portion of stomach tissue
  • Weight loss consequences comparable to  other existing gastric procedures
  • Can do laparoscopically
  • Does not produce malabsorption ( like in  gastric  weight loss bypass surgery)
  • Does not require a band  implantation (like  in gastric  weight loss banding surgery )
  • No  involvement of cutting away and removing a portion of the stomach ( as   in sleeve gastrectomy procedure )
  • Its a  easily reversible procedure
  • There is  low risk and  rapid recovery from surgery
  • Currently the cheap cost weight loss procedure

Outside of clinical  testing , New weight loss Gastric Plication Surgery, also known as Gastric Imbrication procedure , Its  Laparoscopically greater curvature plication and Total Vertical Sleeve Plication, at this time  its performed by only a few surgeons in the U.S.
While short-term consequences and effectiveness for new weight loss  gastric plication surgery, continuing clinical testing and the accumulation of data afetr some time will give  a clearer exposure of  expectation  in the long-term. In addition ,development and continued optimize consequences, new weight loss gastric plication surgery  could be  more widely performing  weight loss surgery in the next few  decades .

It is now proven in clinical application gastric sleeve is a better solution  than any other surgery for weight loss. Brazilian researchers conducted a clinical trial of 66 obese patients. Preliminary clinical reports show appropriate weight loss of up to 3 years with the minimal immediate complications among all procedures of overweight. No major complications noticed among the 66 obese patients. The research also said that the greater curvature of the stomach folds decrease over time.

This process is called minimally invasive. Minimally invasive new weight loss gastric plication surgery supposed to be safer and easier. This means that the process is minimally invasive than open surgery hazards. There is fear of opening of sutures , pain and internal bleeding ,it is little but still is there.

There may be a better option for teenagers like gastric sleeve plication surgery application does not lead to malabsorption of food consumed. Therefore, if the undergone surgical adolescents patients have a balanced diet, nutrition problems are not here.

Although new weight loss  gastric plication surgery is clinically proven to be a better solution, it is always advisable to consult the surgeon and ask about the best surgery for you. Medical Tourism Corporation recommends that ,  patients should not take any decision without consulting gastric surgeons.New weight loss gastric plication surgery may not be suitable for you because of co-morbidity . Your surgeon may help you to identify the best surgery option, depending on your health .   Weight Loss Bypass Surgery

Gastric Bypass Weight Loss Surgery  

Gastric Bypass Weight Loss Surgery 2

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