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Weight Loss With Cinnamon, But Don't Forget the Honey

The marketing of weight loss is a huge commercial success in the United States. Any magic pills for diet full blown regimens available. However, with the full schedule and daily constraints, it is difficult to find space for a new attempt to shed pounds. While weight loss at home is not a miracle cure, tips and tricks are certainly less expensive and easier to integrate into our routines - which is a great advantage, because no idea of ​​the loss of weight is going to work when not in use.
Lose weight at home
Another magic formula? Nope. Even the best medicines do not cure our diseases instantly. And you can bet they want a miracle cure for acne or arthritis. Let's face it, things do not work that way, even with drugs demand. People still have colds and infections.
The benefits of weight loss go home with the comfort and safety. Also, do not underestimate the power that comes from taking matters into their own hands. Deceive our bodies a little, we can begin to take over, and that is the real long-term goal.
Above all, we take what is available. Maybe it's time to take a look around a cold stare, clinical foods to maintain. Your inner expert knows that fruits and vegetables are better than processed foods and refined sugars. If you do not have on hand, you reduce the temptation. Make it a little more difficult to score these goodies and keep better food accessible. Check and cinnamon as a way to revive a program of weight loss at home.
As regards cinnamon
The inner bark of the cinnamon tree is what is harvested and sold as chili. You've probably seen the dried leaves of cinnamon are sold as "sticks". This is the real internal coating is cleaned and dried for transport and sale. The best quality is light brown to brown. It's actually a little less spicy cinnamon does not come from Sri Lanka (where the tree is native). If you are not sure of the quality you can buy in stick form and grind it yourself. The reason is sold in rolled leaves is to avoid imitators not harvested in the same way. You can trust the big brands have "real" cinnamon, but avoid darker shades are more likely to be Cassia or another variety.
Adding cinnamon to foods like potatoes or sprinkle on salads is a good idea, but for use in weight loss, you should do the following area:
• A teaspoon of raw honey (for added sweeteners and benefits)
• A half-teaspoon of cinnamon powder (start low and increase more if desired)
• Mix with honey and dissolved in a cup of boiling water (use pure water - preventing water oxidized or hard)
• Allow to cool and filter the remaining pieces
• Divide into two equal portions. Take a dose before breakfast and before dinner (half-hour before is recommended).
Seems simple enough to work? Well, cinnamon tea for weight loss at home does not have the glitz and glamor of fancy packaging or trade with stars ... but is an all natural method that has a long tradition behind it. In fact, the medical community has finally taken a look at cinnamon. They found that when added to the diet to previous levels, lowers total cholesterol and even reduce the need for insulin in diabetics. There is more to learn, but because it has no side effects, you can try for yourself.
Do not skip the honey. It softens the tea, of course, but the honey contains other accessories (such as anti-oxidants). How you can lose weight at home is not known. One idea is that the nutritional values, combined with a strong spicy flavor, reduces cravings led by our physiology. After all, hunger is our body's way of telling us that we need calories and nutrition.
A good test period is three weeks. The increase in fruits and vegetables helps. The target weight loss is slow but steady in time. Patience is a virtue here.
I started taking antioxidant juice in March 2009, has changed my life. My poor health rebounded and gave me a new awareness about health and find healing, longevity, free radicals, antioxidants, antioxidant supplements and a healthy lifestyle.

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